Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 4th, 2008

Today, I consumed a total of 1,460 calories. The breakdown:

Breakfast: 170 calories
  • chocolatey delight cereal (once again, lol)
Lunch: 220 calories
  • bean and bacon soup (very tasty)
Dinner: 350 calories
  • egg salad pita with sweet mashed potatoes
Snacks: 720 calories
  • 350: applesauce streusel cake (I made this from scratch after finding it in my new low-fat, healthy cookbook and it was very good)
  • 250: pita with peanut butter
  • 120: sunny delight (just a small bottle and I was thirsty, so figured why not)

As for exercise, again, not really much, but I burned 2,150 calories (includes just being alive)...
  • walking (took a brief little walk to the mailbox to return some DVDs (I use a Canadian-like Netflix)

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